Welcome to the Pontifical Scots College
The Pontifical Scots College, at the service of the Church in Scotland since 1600, sending thousands of priests back from Rome to the Mission in Scotland.
Rector's Welcome
Welcome to the website of the Pontifical Scots College. The website presents our college as a seminary preparing men for the priesthood and for service in the Church’s mission in Scotland. It also gives an insight into the preparation of these men through human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation – the four strands of formation which combine to help men grow into the servant priests they are called to be in the image of Christ, the Good Shepherd, the one came ‘not to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many’ (Mk 10:45). Our website also hosts links to different websites which offer their own presentations of life in the dioceses of Scotland as well as the office of Priests for Scotland, the national vocations office.
As a visitor, we ask you to pray for us, formators and seminarians, as we carry out the work that the Church asks of us – to celebrate our vocation in Christ and to discern and help others discern their own vocation, leading them to the place Christ is calling them to serve him best in his Church. We ask May Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of Priests to pray for us in this endeavour.
Canon Mark Cassidy